Let me take you on a journey to a planet called kaluma
I take you on a journey to a planet called Kaluma.
The people on the planet live deeply connected with their nature and the nature surrounding them.
They respect each other, love each other, encourage themselves to dream big. They dance for freedom, for peace on this planet, called Kaluma.
Suddenly, as we are on this journey together, we realize; it´s not another planet, it´s still our earth. But it´s transformed, into a new world.Let´s create magic together, transform, dance for peace, dance for this earth.
> Plant the seeds now, to earn the fruits then <Let´s create our new earth, called Kaluma.
Let me seduce you with known and unknown tracks straight out of the jungle. Try the Diversity, feel the tribe of now and then.Melt back into the mystery of the earth, where a tapestry of oriental, latin, tribal and mystical sounds intertwines with dark, juicy & earthy- sensual basslines. Let the rhythms carry you into the deep, primal connection - the womb of Mother Earth.
(( Here comes music, because music is the language that everyone speaks.))
>> Creating ritual, rather than just another party. Feel as part(y) of the whole cosmos. Be part(y). <<
••• Do you come journey with me?
>>Genre - mid/downtempo - tribal, mystic, jungle, latin, oriental, dark - juicy - sensual baselines
>>BPM Range - 105-120
>>Label/Collective - Ketoga, MOYN Festival
>> Reputation - Follower SoundCloud 1.1K
Festivals >> 2024 - Kallisto Festival 2023 - MOYN Festival 2022 - MOYN Festival, Bucht der Träumer Festival, Mund zu Mund Festival
Venues in Berlin >> Beate Uwe, Kater Blau, Klunkerkranich, Crack Bellmer, Wilde Renate, UHU (Naked Tea Party), Pinky Promise
Worldwide >> Vienna - Rhiz, Flex / Cologne - Odonien / Guatemala - Eagles Nest / Ecuador - Bhumi Cafe / Mexico - tba
Solidarity / Purpose >> Free Palestine Berlin, Earth Healing Day
Set Mix / Podcast Releases >> Katahaifisch, aka tapes, Kosa, Cosmovision Records, Baikal Nomads, Magician on Duty, Djungle Jazz, Sexy Dinosaur from outer space, Wiphala Sound, Elysium, La Femme Mystifiee
>> GIGS <<